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Doctor Discovers “Blood Sugar Switch” That Stops Spikes

This blood sugar “switch” is built into every cell of the body, and when it is flipped “ON”…

Blood sugar returns to the healthy range[1]

Weight is shed from belly, neck, arms, and thighs[1]

Energy levels return to normal[1]

Sleep becomes easy again[1]

Most people don’t understand what a challenge it is to keep blood sugar in check.

They don’t have to watch every little thing they eat — they can enjoy many different foods… they can eat what they want, whenever they want.

But, as Dr. Marlene Merritt discovered, living with erratic blood sugar can be really frustrating…

Even well-meaning friends didn’t understand her struggle.

They would sometimes roll their eyes at her when she took a few extra minutes to scour the restaurant menu looking for something that wouldn’t spike her blood glucose…

She knew what they were thinking… “Come on, just use a little discipline… then your blood sugar would return to a healthy range…”

Yeah… if only it were that easy…

They didn’t know what it was like waking up every morning… counting carbs, checking glucose levels, preparing a lunch that won’t send blood sugar through the roof…

They couldn’t imagine… Having to go through the whole day, being careful to do every little thing right. No mistakes. It’s not easy, and it’s not fair!

Dr. Marlene understands. That’s why after the first sign of erratic blood sugar, she set out to do something about it…

She was lucky enough to have her medical training when her blood sugar problems started because it gave her the tools to cut through the tangled advice surrounding blood sugar and discover a real solution…

Imagine a Life with Healthy Blood Sugar

Dr. Marlene didn’t want to live life with erratic blood sugar. But, she knew it would be difficult to find a solution…

Dr. Marlene admits it wasn’t smooth sailing. But her first big break came when she discovered the famous food pyramid, taught to millions of students from the 60s, 70s, 80s and even the 90s, recommended a diet that contained 60% starchy and carbohydrate foods every day.[2] That’s two times more than fresh vegetables and three times more than fish, nuts, poultry, and beef.

Dr. Marlene, who has a Master’s degree in Nutrition, knew something was off… way off!

During those same years, the food pyramid was heavily promoted, America’s blood sugar problems increased over 3,000%.[3]

Thankfully, Dr. Marlene discovered the work of pioneering researchers at the University of California, who challenged the wisdom behind the famous food pyramid. These maverick researchers had discovered the reduction of dietary fats in the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) was behind the increases in erratic blood sugar.[4]

“In one study, 95.2% of participants lowered blood glucose. And as an added bonus, those same participants lost an average of 24.47 pounds!”[6]

And that was the missing piece Dr. Marlene needed to “flip” the blood sugar switch. Yes! Dietary fat, like the kind of fats found in butter, eggs, cheese, olive oil, avocados, red meat, and fresh fish.

The moment she discovered this, she applied it to her life, and the results came quickly…

She went from sneaking in afternoon naps… to feeling more energy than she had since high school.

And when Dr. Marlene’s energy went up, she could feel her blood sugar dropping… and she knew it wasn’t a fluke… because her research unearthed evidence this blood sugar “switch” solution has been tested in randomized studies with unmistakable results…[5]

In one study, 95.2% of participants lowered blood glucose. And as an added bonus, those same participants lost an average of 24.47 pounds![6]

In one study, 95.2% of participants lowered blood glucose. And as an added bonus, those same participants lost an average of 24.47 pounds![6]

Soon after, Dr. Marlene began treating her own patients with this same blood sugar “switch” method. Hundreds of patients began seeing the same results…

So now it’s easy to imagine living a life with healthy blood sugar…

Especially when there’s a solution at hand that is safe, effective, and actually enjoyable.

Dr. Marlene put her entire blood sugar “switch” system into an easy-to-read book called, Smart Blood Sugar.

This 100-page book illustrates just how simple a few minor adjustments can help readers flip the “switch” and bring their blood sugar back into a healthy range.

Smart Blood Sugar: Healthy Blood Sugar Naturally

Over 375,000 Copies Sold!

This is the simple plan many have been waiting for because it cuts through all the confusing and contradictory information and zeroes in on the exact steps to take right now to heal blood sugar.

Inside its pages, readers will find step-by-step guidance, easy tools, and dozens of tips on how to maintain healthy blood sugar levels… and repair the body without spending a fortune on food or wasting a lot of time or money.

This Easy-to-Read, 100-Page Book Reveals…

Which fats to eat, and which fats to avoid

Although most fats are healthy, some have been proven to increase inflammation in the body if used over a long period of time. Dr. Marlene will tell you which ones to avoid.

Readers will also learn how to make healthy food choices a no-brainer by making small changes to their kitchens and pantries.

Say Goodbye to Fat-Free Food!

And here’s something fun — readers can toss out, or at least never buy again — any carton, tub, or package with the words “no fat,” “low-fat,” or “lite” on the label. Say goodbye to fat-free cottage cheese forever!

Readers will also discover…

How to satisfy a sweet tooth with the natural sweetener that’s 3 times sweeter than sugar and is safe to enjoy.[7]

How about artificial sweeteners? Most are made from chemicals and may be harmful – Dr. Marlene lists which ones to avoid, and also a couple that are safe.

The “miracle noodle” that has zero calories and doesn’t spike blood sugar. Enjoy mac-and-cheese, spaghetti and meatballs, and many other noodle dishes.[8]

Plus, which kinds of oils give quick, healthy energy. For example, coconut oil is a "medium-chain fatty acid" that mimics the quick energy of carbohydrates. Add some of this tropical treat to coffee or even lick it off a spoon for a fast pick me up![9]

The tasty nut-butter snacks she uses for “hunger emergencies”. These treats are small enough to slip into a purse or glove compartment… Dr. Marlene’s favorite flavor is maple almond!

Discover an ancient religious practice that’s been shown to support blood sugar, burn fat, and lower fasting levels. It’s easy to do and takes just minutes.[10]

Plus, a trunk-full of everyday tips (like the 9 ingredients to have in stock at all times) that will help flip your blood sugar switch to "ON."

In Dr. Marlene’s Smart Blood Sugar plan, she makes everything simple. It’s as easy as "do this, and don’t do that." Eat these foods, and don’t eat those foods. Plus, her 7-Day Blood Sugar Reboot that has just 3 easy steps.

Arthur Mabee Flipped His Blood Sugar “Switch”

Concerned about his erratic blood sugar, Arthur ordered a copy of Dr. Marlene’s Smart Blood Sugar. As he told us, “Smart Blood Sugar program actually provided a lot of good, clear answers, and they were very, very simple to apply.”

In fact, just 4 months later, Arthur’s blood sugar came back to a healthy range. He’s lost 118 pounds. His waist went from 46 inches down to a 28. He’s sleeping 12 hours every night. And his energy levels have returned.

We recently spoke with Arthur. Here’s what he had to say about Dr. Marlene’s Smart Blood Sugar book…

*Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person

Here’s the good news, even though Arthur would have paid $500 for Dr. Marlene’s Smart Blood Sugar… you won’t.

You can claim your copy today for only $27!

Arthur’s not the only one to experience lower blood sugar levels. Here are more readers of Dr. Marlene’s Smart Blood Sugar…

Robert C. from Canton, NC. wrote to say…

“My A1C was 6.9… down from previous visit’s 7.4. My blood glucose readings are mostly within normal range… all from using Dr. Marlene’s solution.”

*Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person

Warlen B. from Mountain View, AR said after reading Smart Blood Sugar…

“I went from an A1C of 6.9 to one of 6.3 in twelve weeks, and I was only using [Dr. Marlene’s Solution] for the final six of those twelve weeks… I also lost eleven pounds in that same period, the only time in the last thirty years I’ve been able to lose any substantial weight. I brag about your plan to everyone I know. It works. And it’s so EASY.”

*Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person

Mary H. from Cooks, MI said readers can do this “in their heads”…

“If you don’t like lots of record-keeping, and you don’t want to have to buy exotic foods, you can do this plan in your head. My doctor was very happy with the results (I have also lost 5 pounds), and he said I am in the best health since I started seeing him some 5 years ago. I just celebrated my 81st birthday. THANKS for helping me get my health back!"

*Results are not guaranteed and may vary from person to person

How Readers Are Flipping The Blood Sugar “Switch”

Dr. Marlene’s Smart Blood Sugar works by doing a few simple things that bring blood sugar down while stopping a few things that have been pushing blood sugar up. It’s a combination of these two actions that make the protocol work so well.

One of the most popular recommendations found in Smart Blood Sugar is eating good, healthy fats. This includes meat and dairy fat, as well as monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats.

Like cheeses? Nuts? Real butter? Avocados? How about a juicy steak? All these foods are healthy foods that don’t have a history of raising blood sugar when consumed in reasonable quantities.[11] And when consuming real food with their full fats, studies have shown people are less likely to gain weight because they feel fuller and satisfied and won’t be plagued by cravings.[12]

Over 375,000 Copies Sold

It’s One of the Most-Read Natural Blood Sugar Books Ever Published JUST $27

Here are a few reasons Smart Blood Sugar has become so popular with readers throughout the world:

Dr. Marlene takes her time and explains blood sugar in simple, easy-to-understand terms. Many readers say they were able to read the book over a few days and begin the healthy lifestyle changes immediately.

In addition to being a step-by-step guide to Dr. Marlene’s blood sugar protocol, it also includes charts, graphs, and simple visual aids to ensure you can quickly and easily implement the program.

Ships Directly to Your Door
When you order your copy of Smart Blood Sugar, you will receive your copy within 5 to 7 business days.

Only $27 (plus shipping)
You’ll save when you order today. Plus, you’ll receive free bonus reports.

Order your copy of Dr. Marlene Merritt’s best-selling book Smart Blood Sugar today! We’ll ship your book directly to your front door.

Claim 4 FREE Bonus Reports

Compared to other blood sugar books, Smart Blood Sugar is available both in physical and digital formats (PDF). Plus, it comes with instant access to 4 FREE bonus reports — something most other books do not include. With your purchase today, you’ll receive a copy of Smart Blood Sugar mailed directly to your home; a digital copy of the book immediately after purchase; and, you’ll receive your 4 digital bonus reports:

99 Foods to Lower Blood Sugar

Shows the abundance of delicious foods that are safe for blood sugar. By keeping these go-to ingredients on hand, means never staring at an empty fridge that can lead to unhealthy choices.

7-Day Meal Plan and Grocery List

Having a plan helps get results, and that’s why Dr. Marlene has taken the hassle of recipe-hunting (and converting old recipes) out of the equation with this 7-day meal plan. Get delicious meals that are formulated to balance blood sugar. Each recipe is complete with simple instructions, and most of them take less than 30 minutes to prepare.

Smart Alcohol Guide

How to enjoy a drink while repairing your blood sugar. See which kinds of wines and spirits spike blood sugar and by how much. This will allow smarter choices the next time a favorite cocktail is enjoyed.

How to Read a Food Label

The secret to being an ingredient detective. Spot the sneaky wording that food manufacturers use to hide blood sugar-spiking ingredients.

Order Today!

When you order today, you’ll receive a copy of Smart Blood Sugar at your home; a digital copy of the book immediately after purchase; and, you’ll receive your 4 digital bonus reports.

How Quickly Does Smart Blood Sugar Work?

Most of Dr. Marlene’s patients using the Smart Blood Sugar plan notice changes within the first few days. The first change is in their mood and energy levels. They’re no longer members of the “3 PM zombie brigade”… suddenly they can focus and stay active all day.

Many of Dr. Marlene’s patients report fat loss of 3 to 7 pounds in the first week.

And after about a week, most people should start to see a slimmer waistline. Many of Dr. Marlene’s patients report fat loss of 3 to 7 pounds in the first week.

Next, as the weeks go by, blood tests for glucose levels may show improvement, as cells begin to recover. Like my patient, Renee C., who I’m happy to report has lost 30 pounds, and we’ve been able to lower her glucose levels by 20 points.

Dr. Marlene does not promise to improve blood sugar problems overnight. As she explains in Smart Blood Sugar, these problems weren’t made in a day, and they won’t be unmade in a day, and to claim anything else would just be dishonest.

The truth is, the human body possesses the ability to heal itself. We just have to get out of the way and give it the building blocks it needs.

That’s what Smart Blood Sugar does…

Meet Dr. Marlene Merritt

Dr. Marlene Merritt has a Masters in Nutrition, and practices as a licensed healthcare provider at her clinic in Austin, TX, showing patients how to turn around their health using common sense and nutrition. She saw for herself the difference nutrition had on her own erratic blood sugar, and, through her newsletter and books, is trying to help more people find their way through the dizzying amount of conflicting information in the media.

She specializes in educating patients, readers, and other healthcare practitioners on how to deal with the root causes of diseases instead of treating symptoms and getting people back on track to vibrant health at any age.

View References

  1. Boden G, Sargrad K, Homko C, Mozzoli M, Stein TP. Ann Intern Med. 2005 Mar 15;142(6):403-11.
  5. Boden G, Sargrad K, Homko C, Mozzoli M, Stein TP. Ann Intern Med. 2005 Mar 15;142(6):403-11.
  6. Westman EC, Yancy WS Jr, Mavropoulos JC, Marquart M, McDuffie JR. Nutr Metab (Lond). 2008 Dec 19;5:36.
  11. Brynes AE, Mark Edwards C, Ghatei MA, Dornhorst A, Morgan LM, Bloom SR, Frost GS. Br J Nutr. 2003 Feb;89(2):207-18.
  12. Boden G, Sargrad K, Homko C, Mozzoli M, Stein TP. Ann Intern Med. 2005 Mar 15;142(6):403-11.


*Dr. Merritt's claims to achieve healthy blood sugar naturally are based upon the collection of evidence in the cited studies below combined with her own personal, anecdotal experiences with her patients. These statements & claims have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. There is no guarantee of specific results and the results can vary.

† Do not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician.